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Python Book 2 - Data Structures and Algorithms in Python for Novices

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 What are Data Structures and Algorithms?

1.2 Why Learn Data Structures and Algorithms in Python?

1.3 How to Use This Book?

1.4 Prerequisites and Assumptions

1.5 Conventions and Notations

2. Python Basics

2.1 Data Types and Variables

2.2 Operators and Expressions

2.3 Control Structures

2.4 Functions and Modules

2.5 Object-Oriented Programming

2.6 Exceptions and Debugging

3. Linear Data Structures

3.1 Arrays and Lists

3.2 Stacks and Queues

3.3 Linked Lists

3.4 Strings

4. Nonlinear Data Structures

4.1 Trees and Binary Trees

4.2 Heaps and Priority Queues

4.3 Graphs and Networks

4.4 Hash Tables and Dictionaries

4.5 Sets and Multisets

5. Sorting Algorithms

5.1 Selection Sort

5.2 Insertion Sort

5.3 Bubble Sort

5.4 Merge Sort

5.5 Quick Sort

5.6 Heap Sort

5.7 Counting Sort

5.8 Radix Sort

5.9 Bucket Sort

6. Searching Algorithms

6.1 Linear Search

6.2 Binary Search

6.3 Interpolation Search

6.4 Hash-Based Search

6.5 Tree-Based Search

6.6 Graph-Based Search

7. Algorithm Design Techniques

7.1 Divide and Conquer

7.2 Greedy Algorithms

7.3 Dynamic Programming

7.4 Backtracking

7.5 Branch and Bound

7.6 Randomized Algorithms

8. Algorithm Analysis and Complexity

8.1 Asymptotic Notations

8.2 Time Complexity and Space Complexity

8.3 Best Case, Worst Case and Average Case

8.4 Amortized Analysis

8.5 NP-Completeness and NP-Hardness

9. Appendix

9.1 Python Built-in Data Structures and Functions

9.2 Python Libraries for Data Structures and Algorithms

9.3 Online Resources and References

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