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Python Book 3 - Python for Web Development for Entry-level | Flask and Django

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1. Introduction

1.1 What is web development?

1.2 Why use Python for web development?

1.3 What are Flask and Django?

1.4 How to install Python, Flask and Django?

1.5 How to set up a virtual environment?

1.6 How to use a code editor?

1.7 How to run a web server?

2. Flask Basics

2.1 How to create a Flask app?

2.2 How to use routes and views?

2.3 How to use templates and static files?

2.4 How to use variables and expressions?

2.5 How to use control structures and loops?

2.6 How to use forms and requests?

2.7 How to use sessions and cookies?

2.8 How to use databases and SQLAlchemy?

3. Django Basics

3.1 How to create a Django project?

3.2 How to use models and migrations?

3.3 How to use admin and shell?

3.4 How to use URLs and views?

3.5 How to use templates and static files?

3.6 How to use variables and filters?

3.7 How to use forms and validation?

3.8 How to use authentication and authorization?

4. Flask Advanced Topics

4.1 How to use blueprints and modularization?

4.2 How to use error handling and logging?

4.3 How to use testing and debugging?

4.4 How to use RESTful APIs and JSON?

4.5 How to use AJAX and jQuery?

4.6 How to use web sockets and Flask-SocketIO?

4.7 How to use security and encryption?

4.8 How to deploy a Flask app?

5. Django Advanced Topics

5.1 How to use class-based views and generic views?

5.2 How to use middleware and signals?

5.3 How to use testing and debugging?

5.4 How to use RESTful APIs and Django REST framework?

5.5 How to use AJAX and jQuery?

5.6 How to use web sockets and Django Channels?

5.7 How to use security and encryption?

5.8 How to deploy a Django project?

6. Conclusion

6.1 What have you learned?

6.2 What are the benefits of Flask and Django?

6.3 What are the challenges and limitations of Flask and Django?

6.4 What are the best practices and tips for Flask and Django?

6.5 What are the resources and references for Flask and Django?

6.6 What are the next steps for your web development journey?

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