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Python Book 10 - Python Testing and Debugging for Dummies/ Best Practices

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Why Testing and Debugging Matters

1.2 Testing and Debugging Terminology

1.3 Testing and Debugging Workflow

1.4 Testing and Debugging Tools Overview

2. Writing Testable Code

2.1 Following Coding Standards and Conventions 2.2 Using Docstrings and Comments

2.3 Applying Object-Oriented Principles

2.4 Refactoring and Simplifying Code

2.5 Avoiding Common Pitfalls and Anti-Patterns 3. Testing Your Code

3.1 Choosing a Testing Framework

3.2 Writing Unit Tests

3.3 Writing Integration Tests

3.4 Writing Functional Tests

3.5 Writing Performance Tests

3.6 Running and Reporting Tests

4. Debugging Your Code

4.1 Using Debugging Tools

4.2 Setting Breakpoints and Watchpoints

4.3 Inspecting Variables and Expressions

4.4 Stepping Through Code

4.5 Handling Exceptions and Errors

4.6 Logging and Tracing Code

5. Improving Your Code Quality

5.1 Using Code Analysis Tools

5.2 Measuring Code Coverage

5.3 Applying Code Review Techniques

5.4 Using Continuous Integration and Delivery 5.5 Following Best Practices and Tips

6. Conclusion

6.1 Summary of Key Points

6.2 Further Resources and References 

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