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Python Book 8 - Python Network Programming and Automation for Entry-level

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 What is Network Programming and Automation?

1.2 Why Python for Network Programming and Automation? 1.3 How to Use This Book?

1.4 Prerequisites and Setup

2. Basic Concepts of Networking

2.1 The OSI Model and TCP/IP Protocol Suite

2.2 IP Addresses and Subnetting

2.3 Common Network Devices and Topologies

2.4 Network Services and Applications

3. Python Basics for Network Programming

3.1 Data Types and Variables

3.2 Operators and Expressions

3.3 Control Structures and Functions

3.4 Modules and Packages

3.5 Input and Output

3.6 Exception Handling and Debugging

4. Socket Programming in Python

4.1 What is a Socket?

4.2 Creating and Using Sockets

4.3 TCP and UDP Sockets

4.4 Client-Server Communication

4.5 Handling Multiple Connections

4.6 Socket Options and Methods

5. Network Application Development in Python

5.1 Web Scraping with Requests and BeautifulSoup

5.2 Web Development with Flask and Jinja

5.3 Email Sending and Receiving with SMTP and IMAP

5.4 FTP File Transfer with ftplib

5.5 SSH Remote Command Execution with Paramiko

6. Network Automation in Python

6.1 What is Network Automation and Why It Matters?

6.2 Network Automation Tools and Frameworks

6.3 Network Device Configuration with Netmiko and NAPALM

6.4 Network Monitoring and Analysis with Scapy and Wireshark

6.5 Network Testing and Troubleshooting with Ping, Traceroute and Nmap 7. Conclusion

7.1 Summary of the Book

7.2 Further Resources and Learning Paths

7.3 Challenges and Projects 

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