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Stop Wasting Your Training Dollars

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I have spent millions of my employer’s dollars on soft skill and technical skill training programs for the people I led over a number of decades.

Educated in the psychology of the work place, but determined to get value for money,
I systematically followed to see how training expenditure produced ROI, once people got back on-the-job.

Here is what I learned.

Technical skill training dollars only produced ROI when the people sent on such programs:

1. were motivated to learn the skill before they went to the program,

2. had an opportunity to apply their new skills on-the-job soon after they came back from the program,

3. when the people they worked with valued their new contribution.

My initial soft skill training investments were largely wasted.
There was little to no ROI once the attendees who went on such vendor training programs came back to-the-job.

I decided that we could do better.
As a result, I learned what it took to select and to create managerial and team work soft skill training programs that really increased on-the job-productivity.

This e-book shares the results that of learning with you.

I also learned that ‘traditional’ word-based text publishing no longer works for most readers.

We live in an image dominated world. As a result, this book is in a visual format.

Roelf Woldring is a ex CEO / CIO.

With post-graduate training in the psychohology of the work place, he now writes on business topics,  creates soft skill training programs, does executive coaching, and leads workplace investigations.
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