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Money Talks, Wealth Whispers

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Money Talks, Wealth Whispers, is a FREE illustrated, easy-to-read summary of Rev. Justus Mugambi's teaching on good and faithful stewardship.

He begins by highlighting there are approximately 40 parables contained in the Gospels, 13 of which touch on money (Pennywise, Pound Foolish);

Acknowledging almost everything we do requires money, he teaches everything on Earth, its money included, belongs to God: we're merely caretakers (Naked I Came, Naked I'll Depart);

Introducing the concept of Divine Providence, Rev. uses the vignette of the Children of Israel to demonstrate they understood they were custodians of the wealth they plundered from Egypt (Treasure Hunters);

He then highlights the two kinds of stewards identified by the Bible (Good & Faithful Steward) & (Wise & Lazy Stewards) before concluding.

Grab your free copy to learn more.

eBook's Features

🎨 Stunning artwork

🔗 Links to relevant Scripture references

📖 Length - 30 pages

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