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Daily Gratitude Journal

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Boost your mood with daily gratitude journaling.

Download and print this daily worksheet to enhance your well being and feelings of happiness.

Why Journal Gratitude?

A gratitude journal compels us to focus on the positive aspects of life that we might otherwise take for granted.

When you become more attuned to everyday magic and sources of pleasure ~ the emotional tone of your life shifts in profound ways.

Writing about positive events (rather than simply thinking about them) is key to activation.

In journaling your gratitude, you translate your thoughts into language that increases mindful awareness and deepens positive and transformative impact.


Research from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who wrote in a Gratitude Journal daily for two weeks experienced more gratitude, positive moods, and optimism about the future, as well as better sleep, compared to those who journaled about the hassles of their daily life.

A New Zealand study discovered that people suffering with arthritis experienced less pain, less everyday interferences from their pain, and less pain-related anxiety, together with greater self-efficacy after gratitude journaling for four weeks.

Included: 1 Printable PDF Journal Tool

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