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Fission Twists Scarf

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Please use code: Twists20 for 20% off through Sunday October 23rd! 

Fission Knitting creates raised slipped stitches on garter stitch fabric – give them a twist to create the squishiest cable ever! Add in colourwork and reversibility to get a bold, eye catching scarf that you will want to snuggle into all winter!

Fission Knitting is a reversible technique where the fabric is worked with a marl (two yarns held together). Slipped stitches are worked in only one of the two colours for a motif that truly pops off the surface of the fabric.

Two fingering weight yarns are held together yielding a squishy worsted weight fabric. Plied yarns that are smooth and not sticky work best for Fission Knitting. Solid/tonal colours create the boldest cables.

The construction of Emily C Gillies Corriedale Sock makes it perfect for Fission Knitting. You will in easy to use because it stays crisp in you hand while you are knitting and blooms beautifully after blocking.

Tech editor: Kate Atherley

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