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Bald Soprano hat

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“Fire Chief: moving towards the door, then stopping “Speaking of that--the bald soprano?”
General silence, embarrassment

Mrs. Smith: She always wears her hair in the same style.“
The Bald Soprano, Eugène Ionesco.

“Le pompier se dirige vers la sortie, puis s’arrête. A propos, et la Cantatrice chauve ?
Silence général, gêne.
Elle se coiffe toujours de la même façon.”
La Cantatrice Chauve, Eugène Ionesco.

How fitting that I, as a French knitter using a traditional Romanian motif, name this pattern after an absurd play by romanian-french Ionesco ? A cosy wooly winter hat to warm up that bald hairstyle.

The red and black motifs are often seen embroidered on beautiful traditional Romanian blouses. I wanted to adapt them into a knitting colorwork chart and here it is !

The pattern gives instructions for a 20 st / 10 cm (4 inches) gauge, but it’s easy to adapt it to work with various yarn weights.

As written, it fits a small-medium adult head (approx 55 cm / 22 inches around).

Yarn :
MC : 100 m
CC1 : 80m
CC2 : 30m
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