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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for PTSD

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Clinical workshop with 4 page PDF handout and 9 MP3 audio tracks.
Featuring Christine A. Padesky, PhD. Audio only.
Length: 2 hr 14 min / Product SKU: ptsd

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

This audio program was updated, re-edited and re-mastered in 2022. It is consistent with current CBT standards of treatment. The handout includes updated references with hyperlinks to the articles.

Why do most people recover naturally from trauma over time and yet others experience persistent trauma response?

There are natural recovery processes that pointed clinical interventions can interfere with and actually make natural recovery less likely

Learn the Ehlers and Clark cognitive behavior theory of PTSD derived from empirical findings. This theory emphasizes the role of memory and beliefs about trauma events and symptoms.

Also identified are the common strategies used to cope with trauma that may actually contribute to the maintenance of PTSD.

With vivid case examples, Dr. Padesky illustrates in detail the treatment protocol developed by Ehlers and Clark.

Learn about the importance of and how to identify "hotspots" in memories and imagery.

The clarity of this model can help both novice and experienced therapists focus on the pivotal beliefs that maintain PTSD.

Product SKU: ptsd

© Copyright 2004-2022 Christine A Padesky, PhD / / All rights reserved.
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Customer Reviews

Ulrike Klossek

2 years ago

These are excellent training materials.

Not that this needs reiterating, but what I particularly love about Dr Padesky’s work is its commitment to being client-centred - regardless of whether the client is an individual seeking therapy, a colleague or a therapist in training. What shines through her work and training materials time and time again is her profound understanding of her audience’s needs that is both analytical and intuitive. She is certainly the best teacher of clinical practice and “how-to” therapy skills I have come across.

This recording of a workshop presentation on CBT for PTSD focuses on the Ehlers & Clarke model, which includes questions from the audience. The presentation provides a good introduction to the key features of model (focusing on applied/clinically relevant aspects), some very useful background information as well as a wealth of clinical tips and anecdotes.

By Ulrike Klossek (08/28/2014)