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In-Session Action-Based Learning with Behavioral Experiments (vACTION)

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In Session Action-Based Learning with Behavioral Experiments

CBT Clinical Demonstration with Christine A. Padesky, PhD.

Full Color MP4 video. Run Time 87 minutes.

A common issue many therapists face is discovering the client did not complete their homework assignment.

Filmed at a conference, this live, spontaneous, and unedited clinical demonstration features Christine A. Padesky, PhD conducting a therapy session with "Jennifer" (role played by therapist Jennifer O'Connor, PhD). Jennifer reports extreme difficulty saying no to people and finds she accommodates other people's needs instead of her own.

In their previous session, Dr Padesky and Jennifer had decided that her behavioral experiment would be to say no to a friend's request to do things for her. This session begins with Jennifer revealing she did not do the behavioral experiment she had planned to do between sessions.

Padesky demonstrates
  • Debriefing a behavioral experiment
  • How to setup and conduct behavioral experiments within a session. Padesky suggests this is often more therapeutic because there is the opportunity to immediately debrief the experience with the client.
  • How to use Socratic dialogue and processes of guided discovery to maximize client learning from experiments done in session.

Jennifer's issues
  • Difficulty setting boundaries and saying no to people
  • Feels her needs are less important to other people than their own needs are
  • Lots of worries about people rejecting her if she doesn't fulfill all their needs
  • Generally tries to please people and do what they want
  • Ends up feeling quite resentful of other people always putting demands on her
  • Feels other people don't understand her pain and her feelings and don't accommodate and meet her needs in the same way that she tries to meet other people's needs

DISCUSSANT COMMENTS: by William Miller, creator and founder of Motivational Interviewing.

The last 20 minutes consists of audience questions and insightful answers from Dr. Padesky and role play participant Jennifer that flush out sophisticated elements and nuances of the demonstration.

This video demonstrates important steps in setting up a good behavioral experiment and discusses the benefits of using Socratic dialogue to debrief the outcomes of experiments.

Product SKU: vACTION

© Copyright 2022 Christine A. Padesky, PhD / / All rights reserved.

You will get the following files:
  • MP4 (610MB)
  • MP4 (604MB)

Customer Reviews

Nikolay Rychagov

Verified Buyer

2 years ago

I am a Beck Institute CBT certified clinician.

What I love most about Dr. Padesky's seminars is her desire to bring difficult points to clients in a simple way.
In the Seminar: In-Session Action-Based Learning with Behavioral Experiments (vACTION) I liked my desire to do behavioral experiments in the session. This causes my personal interest and benefit to clients.
The day after watching the seminar, I even randomly turn on the option to use Behavioral Experiments in sessions with my clients. This is an improved experience.
I recommend to all!