NEW Core Beliefs (vBEL)
Constructing NEW Core Beliefs
CBT Clinical Demonstration with Christine A. Padesky, PhD.Full Color MP4 video. Run Time 61 minutes.
Illustrates how to engage a doubtful client and evoke curiosity regarding the possibility of NEW core beliefs.
Dr. Padesky and a volunteer therapist conduct a role-play demonstration of a woman who has suffered from recurrent depression and low self-esteem who would like to develop a new core belief: "I am wonderful."
The primary methods used to strengthen new core beliefs are demonstrated including use of a continuum and assignment of a core belief log.
In narrative comments before and after the demonstration, Dr. Padesky highlights the importance of the therapeutic alliance and the benefits of using written "shoulder-to-shoulder" methods instead of "eyeball-to-eyeball" dialogues when constructing new core beliefs. Since it is difficult for clients to imagine new core beliefs, this client's skepticism and cognitive "blanks" are quite typical.
This video illustrates how to engage a client and evoke curiosity regarding the possibility of new core beliefs even when the client is doubtful that this approach will help.
Time Codes
(use these time codes to quickly locate the sections)
00:00 - Intro and Core Beliefs
06:38 - Review of the treatment protocol
07:54 - Meet "Linda" and Session Overview
11:06 - Identify Core Beliefs
17:10 - Continuum Ratings
22:34 - Using Continuum Criteria and Develop Strategies
37:29 - Client doubtful
49:14 - Core Belief Log Rationale
50:19 - Navigate Roadblocks
52:54 - Ask for Client Reaction
55:00 - Feedback & Summary
56:48 - Discussion with audience
Product SKU: vBEL
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