Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Panic Disorder (vPAN)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Panic Disorder
CBT Clinical Demonstration with Christine A. Padesky, PhD.Full Color MP4 video. Run Time 51 minutes.
Includes split screen work with close-up shots of therapist/client interaction as well as therapist's notes.
Have you read about the success of cognitive therapy with panic disorder but are not quite sure what happens in a session? Do some of your panic clients tell you that they know they are not in danger during a panic attack - but only intellectually and only when it is over? Do you then struggle with helping them learn that this is true even when they are having a panic attack? Are you hesitant to induce panic symptoms during a session, not knowing how you will feel or what the client might say or do?
Learn why it is impossible for a client to faint when they are having a true panic attack.
Viewers of this full session video can see how the therapist and client work together to identify the elements of the client's panic attacks. Observe how the therapist uses guided discovery to help the client understand the cognitive model of panic. See how the therapist induces sensations and uses a series of specific questions to guide discovery of a believable explanation for the client's panic-related sensations.
Distinguish the important diagnostic rule outs for panic disorder as well as the critical factors to consider before doing an in-session induction of panic sensations.
Specific questions, summaries and procedures are clearly modeled that demonstrate the cognitive therapy protocol for panic disorder.
Padesky demonstrates key stages: Therapist & client collaboratively identify elements of the client's recent panic attack including sensations, thoughts and images, and catastrophic misinterpretations. Client data is used to develop the cognitive model. The therapist induces sensations which closely mimic a panic attack. Therapist and client debrief the induction to help the client discover believable alternative explanations for the panic-related sensations.
This demonstration offers an understanding of how the induction of sensations paired with guided discovery helps the client develop meaningful alternative explanations for their panic sensations. Observe how quickly Dr. Padesky is able to form a positive therapeutic alliance through the use of humor and collaboration.
Time Codes
(use these time codes to quickly locate the sections)
00:00 - Permissions & Use Advisement
00:54 - CBT Panic Disorder
04:29 - Sensations & Thoughts
17:06 - Panic Model
23:28 - Induction Experiment
28:14 - Debrief Experiment
36:47 - Two Hypotheses
41:00 - Treatment Plan
48:15 - Homework Assignments
49:49 - End Credits
Product SKU: vPAN
© Copyright 1993 Christine A. Padesky, PhD / www.padesky.com. All rights reserved.