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Thought Records - Test Automatic Thoughts (vATR)

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Testing Automatic Thoughts with Thought Records

CBT Clinical Demonstration with Christine A. Padesky, PhD. Full Color MP4 video.

Run Time 70 minutes. Includes close-up shots of client and therapist notes.

Christine Padesky helps a depressed client explore her "hot thoughts" using the 7-column thought record. Watch an entire therapy session with narrative commentary about each section of the thought record. This session is a vivid demonstration of the integration of technique with a collaborative therapy alliance.

Padesky demonstrates the pacing and timing of a therapy session when testing automatic thoughts using a thought record. It is especially helpful to see how empathic and conversational the therapy session can be even while teaching skills in a structured way.

Time Codes
(use these time codes to quickly locate the sections)
00:00 -  Introduction and explanation
01:40 -  Beliefs & Interventions
14:33 -  Situations, Mood, Thoughts
22:22 -  "Hot" Thoughts
30:57 -  Supporting Evidence
41:52 -  Non‐supporting Evidence
50:44 -  Search for Hidden Evidence
1:02:24 - Alternative / Balanced Thoughts
1:09:36 - Summary & Feedback, End Credits

Product SKU: vATR

© Copyright 1996 Christine A. Padesky, PhD / / All rights reserved.

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Customer Reviews


Pauline Shepherd

Verified Buyer

2 years ago

A first class learning tool

Dr Padesky gives a clear explanation of cognitive theory and practice via her excellent preamble and summing up of her work with this depressed client. Working with such a client can be very challenging. The Socratic questioning and the shoulder-to-shoulder work was very skilled and impressive, moving the client towards a more positive view of her personal qualities, as well as a clear action plan moving forward. My students found it very inspiring and informative.

Michela David

2 years ago

Invaluable learning tool

I am an advanced CBT therapist with over 25 years of CBT experience, and am certified with the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. I have watched Dr. Padesky's videos again and again, and find them to be incredibly helpful. This thought record video demonstrates so many important CBT skills: Dr. Padesky masterfully balances the structure of the thought record with her empathic connection to the client, and guides the client in self-discovery, navigating through a particularly challenging example where finding evidence that does not support the hot thought would challenge most therapists. In my experience, Socratic questions that encourage clients to see things from different perspectives are particularly useful, and this is clearly demonstrated here. The video also shows how effective the sharing of written material between therapist and client can be. I recommend Dr. Padesky's videos to all my trainees, including graduate students in clinical psychology and other mental health professionals. I have almost the entire collection on my bookshelf.

Frank M. Dattilio, Ph.D., ABPP

2 years ago

Outstanding Educational Training Resources

These are outstanding educational training resources that will be helpful to students and practitioners of all levels. I have found them to be a great resource in my clinical work and will also use them in my didactic lectures with students. I highly recommend them.
- Frank M. Dattilio, PhD, ABPP Department of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Clinical Psychologist

2 years ago

Excellent demonstration

I am an advanced CBT therapist and trainer. This video is an excellent demonstration of how a therapist can elicit automatic thoughts and teach cognitive restructuring skills for a depressed patient using the format in the book Mind Over Mood. Dr. Padesky is very directive while at the same time she highlights many general therapeutic skills such as empathy, patience, two way communication, collaboration, and affirmation of patient qualities. She also explains some key concepts related to cognitive therapy such as automatic thoughts, underlying assumptions, and core beliefs; and provides insightful commentary about responding to challenges related to working with depressed patients. I highly recommend this video for any therapist learning cognitive restructuring.