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The German WW2 planetree camouflage, also known as "Platanenmuster" or "Plane Tree" pattern, was a type of camouflage used by the German military during World War II. It was first introduced in 1942 and was primarily used by the German Army on their uniforms, helmets, and vehicles.

The camouflage pattern was designed to mimic the appearance of the bark and leaves of a plane tree, a type of deciduous tree found in Europe. The pattern consisted of irregular blotches of brown and green on a tan or light brown background. The brown and green blotches were intended to blend in with the tree bark and leaves, while the lighter background was meant to mimic the sky.

The German WW2 planetree camouflage was used primarily on the Eastern Front, where the terrain and vegetation were more varied than in other theaters of war. The camouflage was also used on the German Army's Zeltbahn shelter half, a triangular piece of fabric that could be worn as a poncho or used as a shelter.

Despite its effectiveness, the German WW2 planetree camouflage was not widely used by the German military. Production of the camouflage was limited, and it was not issued to all troops. Additionally, the camouflage was not introduced until 1942, by which time the war was well underway.

Today, the German WW2 planetree camouflage is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts of military history. It has become a symbol of the German Army's ingenuity and innovation during World War II.

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