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The Grace Of More Than A Conqueror

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The Grace Of More Than A Conqueror is a FREE illustrated, easy-to-read summary of Mr. Simon Wafubwa's teaching on the same.

Using 2 Chronicles 20:10-21 as an anchor verse, he teaches that we, like the Children of Israel, have territories represented by the men from Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir that have proven challenging to conquer;

He urges us to arise, take our positions and triumph over battles of repetitive patterns of humiliation and defeat, for the Lord will fight our battles (The Devil Is After Your Time);

He brings to the fore the golden thread that runs through Judah's bloodline, from Judah, David, Jesus, and ultimately us (Judah Leads The Way); and

Asserts wealth creation is a matter of covenant comprising a dimension of grace: that which is born of covenant is sustained by covenant (The Grace Of More Than A Conqueror)

Grab your free copy to learn more.

eBook's Features

🎨 Stunning artwork

🔗 Links to relevant Scripture references

📖 Length - 35 pages

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