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Inspirational 30

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Welcome to the 30th issue of the arts magazine Inspirational. This issue has artists from Canada, the US, France, Belgium, and Spain, with disciplines ranging from photography to digital collage, from the heightened realism of the self-portrait to the other world of abstract expressionism. In this issue inspirational has three in depth interviews with three contemporary artists: Jonathan David Smyth, Christine Verhaert, and Alan Spazzali. In its regular portfolio section, Inspirational features three artists work: Maxime Lebrun, Ann Saint-Gelais, and Emmanuel Signorino. More details of everything available in this issue are given below:

interview: Jonathan David Smyth The Irish photographer, filmmaker, and writer, who now resides in New York City, gives an interview detailing the personalised nature of his work, the ongoing documentation of his life, and his brand new photography project ‘Between You and Me’, which he has generously agreed to share with Inspirational.

portfolio: Maxime Lebrun The French fine art/collage artist, produces haunting, sometimes nightmarish, but always connective portraits of who we really are. His work can never be ignored, and Inspirational is thrilled to be able to feature this Inspirational artist’s work.

interview: Christine Verhaert The Belgian abstract painter uses her work as a real means of expression. She gives a wide-ranging and frank interview about how she came to painting, what painting means to her, and how abstract expressionism has allowed her to open up the world creatively for her.

portfolio: Ann Saint-Gelais The French Canadian multi-media artist, produces deeply sensory imagery, timeless but always connected to the larger self. Her work is moody and interpretive, and Inspirational is privileged to show examples of her work.

interview: Alan Spazzali The Italian born, Dutch citizen, now living in Spain is a multi-disciplined artist. This prolific artist has produced work in a range of styles, in a range of disciplines. He also tirelessly works to promote the artwork of other contemporary artists, and it is a pleasure to be able to interview him for Inspirational.

portfolio: Emmanuel Signorino The French visual artist and designer is well known for his street art, abstract and pop art style of working. His artwork is fresh, bold, thoughtful, quirky and all points in between. It is great to be able to feature Emmanuel’s work within Inspirational. 

          John Hopper - Inspirational editor
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