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Heth, Son of Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah

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The Hittite patriarch finally arrives to officiate at the weddings, oversee the empire's birth, and possibly thwart an invasion by Sargon.

Heth worries that the Hittite Empire will be attacked from without. His chariots are more than just new and showy war machines. They might make the difference between life and death as Sargon turns his eye toward Hattus. Zohar is more worried about corruption within. Tawananna and Elon's new life together puts them in the crosshairs of everyone who wants to destroy the fledgling empire. How many laws do they need? How many houses and walls? Winter puts off the danger of invasion for a time, but what will happen when the greatest warrior begins to feel the effects of Lamech's Curse?

You don't want to miss any of the tales of Ephron the Hittite and his family.
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