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Learning and Facilitating Approach Course

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Learning something new is not always easy; Learning a new language, playing an instrument or any skill can be a bit more challenging, especially as you get older. The good thing is, today, thanks to technology and communication tools, access to information is much easier. Using certain methods systematically can significantly increase the speed of learning.

1- Set a correct goal from the beginning
Having the right goals is the first step to learning anything, and it's the foundation that will prepare you for success or failure. Most people set vague goals that won't help them in the long run. However, setting clear goals makes it easier for you to plan the journey more clearly. For example, let's say you want to learn to speak Spanish to travel to South America.
A bad goal is: "I want to learn Spanish so I can go to South America." Why bad? Because this is a very general goal. In order to set a more specific and specific goal, you must clarify what you are aiming for, visualize it, and set an appropriate date for it to be a measurable time. To set goals for learning Spanish in a better and more efficient way, you can set an intention like this: "I want to be able to have a 30-minute conversation in Spanish with a native Spanish speaker by next summer. So when I get to Buenos Aries I can talk to a native."
Notice the difference in the timeline for originality, visualization, and learning. Keep these factors in mind the next time you set a goal.
2- Plan your studies
It is very difficult to learn a new skill by working 'whenever you have the opportunity'. We often complain that time is not enough, however, with the right planning, we can fit very productive studies even in limited time. Learning a new skill doesn't have to take up most of your days. Even taking as little as 30 minutes a day can dramatically increase your learning efficiency. Even if you don't feel like you've made much progress in a single day of study, it will drip into a lake; Keep working patiently and regularly.
3- Reconfigure skills
You cannot learn to speak and write Spanish and understand what you hear at the same time. For a correct learning journey, you should study the skill you want to learn by dividing it into parts. You will learn effectively if you plan to study for separate and perhaps equal times in writing, reading, and speaking.
4- Remember the 80/20 rule
The Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 principle, named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who discovered the method, argues that 80% of an outcome occurs with 20% of the causes. In its simplest definition, 80% of a company's earnings come from 20% of its top customers. Likewise, 80% of our success comes from 20% of our best work. Therefore, when planning our work, we can prioritize and focus on the work that will strengthen us, remembering that 20% of what we do will lead to great results.
5- Be assertive, activate your reward mechanisms
There are many mobile apps that make it easy to achieve goals. For example, StickK, developed by behavioral economics experts from Yale University, helps you set a time to reach your goals. It also allows you to deposit money that you can get back when you reach your goal at the set time. With the approval of your reference people, you can get your money back when you achieve this goal. The motivation of being able to lose even a little money is not less! You can also take a look at applications such as "Productive Habit Tracker" and "Habitica", which are motivational supporters.
6- Work with a professional
The effects of a good teacher are indisputable. Of course, you can also choose to do everything yourself, but working with a professional will definitely shorten your path. A personal trainer, a mentor, or even online training that you can sign up for will efficiently support your journey of learning a new skill.
7- Take care of yourself
Perhaps the most important thing you should prioritize for faster learning is your health. Better sleep and better nutrition will not only strengthen you physically but also keep you mentally vigorous. Regular exercise also supports the learning process by increasing alertness, attention and motivation.
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