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Battlegames Issue 20

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  • A brush with Mr Kipling. With one of her husband Jonathan's photos featured on the front cover, Diane Sutherland gives us more than simply a guide to bad poetry; this is an in-depth look at ingenious ways to turn interesting comestible packaging into fortifications suitable for your colonial adventures. You'll never look at a dolmades tin or ice cream tub in the same way again.
  • Forward observer. Mike Siggins has plenty of praise to give Keith Warren and his Real Time Wargames campaign rules, moving on to discuss Pete Waterman (yes, really!), the Treemendus way of miniature arboriculture, enforced frugality in the hobby, competing direct-application pigments, and the new Wundermaterial, Reddiprene 38.
  • Gaming the Balance. Gary Mitchell takes a breather from his new post over at Miniature Wargames to bring us a fascinating alternative WWII scenario that pitches the Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard against invading reptilians, based on the Harry Turtledove World War novels. More than a little tongue-in-cheek, this gives scope for you to prove that "they don't like it up 'em!"
  • Talking wargaming. Wargamer and historian Chris Scott continues his thought-provoking series with "Invincible squares?", in which he draws to our attention the historically inconvenient fact that a good number of squares proved not to be impregnable at all.
  • Table Top Teaser. A real belter. Get ready to make some maps for "An affair of outposts — an introduction to map moving" in which two advance guards do their best to find and defeat the enemy and then hold their ground. A proper challenge to your wargaming skills, and the biggest Teaser map I've had to create yet!
  • If it ain't broke... is new writer Robin Miles' paean to the Wargames Research Group's 5th Edition Ancients rules. More than just a journey into nostalgia, Robin plays through a Macedonians versus Seleucids scenario to help explain why he feels that this venerable ruleset still has much to offer.
  • A visit to Osprey Publishing. I accepted an invitation from Osprey marketeer Joe McCullough to meet the team behind this well-known publishing brand, ask lots of impertinent questions and explore the treasure trove of goodies held in their vaults. And, as a bonus, I got to play a Wild West game after lunch!
  • Trapped in the birdcage. Another newcomer, Barry Lee, sees his name in lights this issue, with a wonderful piece dealing not only with the Salonika campaign of 1915-17, but also with how he managed to research the part that his own ancestor played in that conflict where he lost his life. Not only informative. but also inspiring, with photos of some of his beautifully-painted WWI miniatures.
  • Recce is truly crammed, and I still couldn't fit everything in! Books, games, miniatures, rules, glues — the list goes on and on. I've also instituted the new format with photographs provided of the miniatures reviewed that are actual size wherever possible.
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