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Shot, Steel & Stone: the Rules in Action


Shot, Steel & Stone: the Bare Essentials


Creating Flags for Imagi-Nations


Martinstaat 1744: the Campaign Maps


Martinstaad 1744


Tabletop Battle Tactics Deluxe Full Colour Combined Edition


Tabletop Battle Tactics Book 2

Tabletop Battle Tactics Book 1

Battle Maps for Wargamers Collection 2


Battle Maps for Wargamers Collection 1


Frederick the Great's Instructions to His Generals


Photography for Wargamers


Fictitious Wars


Terrain Squares for Wargamers Collection Part 2


Terrain Squares for Wargamers: Basic Collection


About Me

Patreon creative, author of the best-selling The Wargaming Compendium and Wargaming Campaigns and former Editor of Battlegames and Miniature Wargames with Battlegames, Henry Hyde publishes a growing range of high-quality digital and audio publications, initially for wargamers and military history enthusiasts, but with plans for a much wider audience in due course.