Tabletop Battle Tactics Book 2
Based on a series of articles written by the author for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine, this is the second of two volumes that pull together all that tabletop tactical advice under a single cover for easy reference.
In this volume, you get to put into practice all the theory learned in the first book, pitting yourself against a determined enemy in challenging circumstances! Whether your period of choice is ancients, horse and musket, the Second World War or even fantasy or sci-fi, you'll discover plenty of gaming fun in these pages.
With beautifully rendered maps that wargamers will instantly recognise represent easily-available gaming terrain, veteran wargamer Henry Hyde presents no less than sixteen scenarios, each of which can be adapted and staged using your favourite armies, whether then be Ancient Greeks or modern special forces, Wellington's redcoats taking on Napoleon's finest, or Union versus Confederate.
All the scenarios are infinitely replayable, enabling them to be used just for an evening's gaming fun or as exercises for the more seriously-minded student of tactics. They can be used with whatever rules you prefer, and the author considers the different approaches that might be needed when using a selection of popular rulesets. Any of these scenarios will also provide hours of gaming pleasure for the solo gamer, as well as for players with live opponents.
Henry has brought more than five decades of experience to selecting the ideas in the book, and encourages the reader to think about the realities faced by commanders on the ground and the kinds of consideration that need to be given to approaching the battlefield itself, as well as dealing with whatever the enemy might throw at you!
This version of the book has deliberately been designed in black and white to facilitate easy and cheap printing at home if your want your own hard copy. Further versions in colour and as print-on-demand are planned.
Note that the number of photographs varies between formats owing to the differences in layout restrictions with Kindle and other ebook variants.