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Battlegames Issue 14

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  • Chocolate teapots. Diane Sutherland reveals the unusual things her husband John does with decorative china.
  • Figure piracy - scourge of the hobby? Bob Barnetson investigates the thorny subject of recasting miniatures.
  • I like your style. Barry Hilton gives us a masterclass in comparative painting techniques. No less than seven different methods are described in detail, and he goes on to demonstrate top tips for basing too!
  • Forward Observer. Siggo gets stuck in to the TooFatLardies Sharp Practice rules with an in-depth review.
  • To boldly go... Roger Smith is impressed with the new 4th Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and gets really excited about Games Workshop's new Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves army book.
  • Tabletop tips. The first in an occasional series, Phil Olley shows us how to set our gaming alight with tabletop fire effects.
  • Seven years in Silesia. Angus Konstam describes what inspired him to write his Kriegskunst mid-18th century rules and the challenges he faced, then rounds off with an exciting scenario for us to try.
  • The well of Tarka. Dan Mersey brings us a clever system for playing an 'automated' Sudan game and notes for adapting the Warhammer Historical Legends of the Old West for use in colonial wargames.
  • Table Top Teaser. "Reconnaissance in force or 'You can't have your cake and eat it'". Phil Olley had a hand in the playtest of this brilliant scenario, including producing some wonderful shots of Charles Grant's Spencer Smiths in action — yes, the ones that were used in The War Game!
  • Recce. Plenty of book, rule, figure and computer game reviews. Steve Gill even read a book by God! (Sort of...)
  • War and Preece. Our dear Johnny Preece delves into a particular battle in Burma where a particular Brigadier was serving...
  • The Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal: the beginning of a regular slot.
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