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Battlegames Issue 23

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  • Waiting in vine. Diane Sutherland shows us how to make vintage vineyards.
  • Forward Observer. Siggo has plenty to discuss, including A Very British Civil War, tufty turf, a new regular shortlist of product highlights, and the joys of playtesting late 19th century European wargame rules.
  • The passing of Paddy Griffith. John Drewienkiewicz and Richard Clarke provide moving obituaries for the much-loved historian and wargamer who died this summer.
  • Paddy's last hurrah. Paddy Griffith submitted an article to me just weeks before he died. I could think of no better tribute than to publish his report of what turned out to be his final Duxford WWII kriegsspiel of Operation Weserübung, the German invasion of Norway.
  • Painting the little blighters. Canadian Bob Barnetson shows us how to accomplish mass armies in short shrift with this masterclass in 6mm painting.
  • Test flying Bag the Hun 2. Air wargamer Tim Beresford gives an extended review of the Lardies' Battle of Britain rules, with a couple of scenarios that will have you scrambling your Spitfires and Hurricanes in no time.
  • Table TopTeaser: cavalry encounter, or "What marsh?" C. S. Grant produces a cavalry commander's dream, with hundreds of horse galloping hither and thither in unpredictable terrain.
  • Simplicity in practice. After extolling the virtues of simple rules last issue, author Neil Thomas serves up a magnificently straightforward but subtle complete set of horse and musket rules.
  • Recce. A plethora of new goodies reviewed by our team, including 1/72 hard plastic Russians from The Plastic Soldier Company Ltd, All the King's Men 54mm War of 1812 figures, the Repique Zouave rules, Area 9 15mm wargames scenery, Bolt Action 28mm WWII metal miniatures, a large American Civil War book from Casemate, Astounding Adventures scenarios, the new Spencer Smith 30mm Franco-Prussian War figures, an imagi-nations novel, (come on, keep up!), Waterloo Netherlands Correspondence, Helion 28mm Austro-Prussian War figures, Gripping Beast plastic Vikings, an Osprey and a General de Brigade Ottoman scenarios book. Phew!
  • The Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal: an update on the progress of the Appeal which has now raised over £7,500.
  • Calendar of Events for September/October 2010, compiled by Tricks of the Newark Irregulars.
  • And messages from your favourite wargames companies.
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