Battlegames Issue 18
On Sale
- Good for sci-fi. Diane Sutherland gives us an exploration of the potty possibilities offered by bits of polystyrene that her husband Jon has hoarded in the shed for all this time. She even offers her own bottle tops and bits and bobs to adorn her loved one's work.
- Forward Observer. Mike Siggins is more fulsome this time round, with plenty to say about GW's War of the Ring, Partizan, paint pots and washes, current progress with his collection and almost nothing about plastics.
- Plastic? Don't panic! I, on the other hand, having been dropped in it by Siggo last issue, have made good on my promise with a photo-feature showing how simple it can be to assemble and clean up a box of Perry plastic ACW cavalry ready for painting. So, no excuses for not at least giving them a try!
- Dicey situations. Wargamer and historian Chris Scott continues his series, "Talking wargaming", with a consideration of how dice can bring unexpected realism to our games.
- Red alert! Shields up! Our regular Canadian contributor Bob Barnetson decides to cash in on the latest Star Trek movie this issue, and what we get is a simple, fast and fun set of rules for pitching Star Fleet against the Klingons. Great fun!
- Table Top Teaser. Our favourite Brigadier, Charles S Grant, is a bit of a Thin Lizzy fan on the (not so) quiet — yes, seriously! — and his scenario this month is catchingly entitled "Breakout, or 'Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak'". Expect rampant prisoners of war and a whole lotta fun.
- To boldly go... As if we weren't confused enough by Diane, Siggo and Bob talking fantasy and sci-fi rather than historical, this issue's melange is completed by Roger picking up the historical baton. Well, sort of. He's become intrigued by that blurry "is it history or is it fantasy" region, better known as Alternative History. And all because he took a short holiday on Jersey!
- The Abbey of Santo Diago. Prepare to be stunned by new contributor Clarence Harrison, well-known for his Quindia Studios website and contributions to the recent rules output of Barry Hilton. Here, he gives us an exclusive step-by-step lesson in how to build the stunning Spanish abbey on a hilltop that graces our front cover. Set to become a scenery building classic.
- Recce is absolutely heaving with stuff, including books, miniatures, computer games and rules. We've got some new top-notch reviewers on the team, too.
- The calendar of events supplied by Tricks of the Newark Irregulars covers events in July and August worldwide.
- An update for our Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal, with details of how you can get involved with the fund-raising yourself just like Rich of TooFatLardies.