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Battlegames Issue 16

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  • A wargamer's Athens. Diane Sutherland, entertaining as ever, gives us a wonderful wargamers' travelogue, pinpointing all the wargames and modelling shops in Athens.
  • Long Island, 27th August 1776. 'Eclaireur' has written up the scenario and game I attended at South Mimms. I've packed the piece with pretty pictures and a monster map.
  • Forward Observer. Siggo in good form, looking at all sorts of stuff, including (inevitably!) the ever-expanding ranges of 28mm plastics, and awarding gongs for the best of 2008 as well as succumbing to visual aids.
  • Tally ho! New writer Tim Beresford gives a great introduction to aerial wargaming, via Biggles, Duxford and Wings of War to Bag the Hun and Algernon Pulls It Off from the TooFatLardies. Packed full of useful details for the newcomer to this kind of gaming, this is the story of one man's journey into the blue.
  • This month's Table Top Teaser is rated as "fiendish" by CSG himself! "Confrontation on the islands, or 'Burned Tapas'" as he subtitles it, provides a real challenge for the most seasoned wargamer. Take a deep breath and plunge in!
  • Follow the yellow brick road. Another newcomer to the Battlegames stable, this time Kerry Thomas from New Zealand, gives us a step-by-step lesson in building rubbery roads for our wargames. Jolly useful and highly effective!
  • To boldly go... Roger Smith uses his column to discuss the creation of a cleverly-phased sci-fi campaign, using different gaming scales and systems, with a promise of follow-up reports in future editions.
  • Recce is absolutely crammed with stuff and I still had to leave lots out which will appear next time or on the website. A pile of books, miniatures, scenic materials and rules come under scrutiny, including recent Field of Glory releases, Warmaster Medieval and the brand new Trafalgar age of sail book from Warhammer Historical.
  • The Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal update reveals that we've now raised more than double our initial target — and I've decided to extend the Appeal for another year with a target of £5,000.
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