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Battlegames Issue 19

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  • Twiggy. Diane Sutherland gives us a step-by-step explanation of how to make trees from, err, trees, and other ingredients.
  • Forward Observer. Siggo is very upbeat, perhaps because he's fallen back in love with Gilderesque painting styles. He also discusses the perennial problem of mates changing their minds about what periods to play, enthuses about Eureka miniatures, recounts more workbench disasters and, naturally, finds some new paints to get excited about.
  • Supersize us. Tim Hall takes us up a gear with an introduction to large-scale gaming in 54mm, with some astounding models on show and superb photographs of his WWII collection, such as the one featured on the cover.
  • Talking wargaming. Wargamer and historian Chris Scott continues his series with "Orders and command", which includes some clever suggetions about how to include realistic order-writing into wargames, but without the hassle normally associated with them.
  • Table Top Teaser. This time, it's Charles M Grant, the son of our favourite Brigadier, who provides the Teaser. "'Gaining the initiative, or 'The morning after the night before'" is designed to make you plan ahead, as a small initial encounter precedes a larger action the following day, with the outcome of the skirmish affecting the battle that follows. Tricky stuff!
  • Cold Wars is the result of some lateral thinking by one of our brightest wargames minds, Arthur Harman. They say that cooling the brain helps it to work better, so dump those fridge magnets and read on!
  • Solferino 1859, a major engagement. Royal Marines Major Dave Fielder features in our Recce section too, but he's also penned an excellent scenario for the mid-19th century enthusiasts, a substantial grand tactical challenge for wargamers who prefer to play at being a general than a brigadier.
  • Badon and beyond. Arthurian scholar Dan Mersey is back with an enthusiastic introduction to gaming this particular slice of the Dark Ages. Prepare to be amazed at his clever use of GW Lord of the Rings miniatures and masses of useful information and resources for the wargamer wanting to try the period.
  • The wargaming collective. Antipodean John Baxter pays a visit to highly-regarded company Eureka Miniatures in Australia. Most of us in the UK and elsewhere get to hear very little about what's going on Down Under, so this piece gives us a refreshing insight into the extraordinary output of this top-rate outfit.
  • Recce is a bit shorter this time, though still packed with erudite reviews by respected gamers. The reason is that I'm going to be changing the way we review miniatures — and believe me, I've got quite a backlog to catch up with next issue!
  • The calendar of events supplied by Tricks of the Newark Irregulars covers events in September and October worldwide. Events in the first week or so of September, before the magazine is published, can be found here.
  • An update for our Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal, including news on how many different groups are now helping the cause.
  • And to round things off, we've got more new advertisers!
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