Table Top Teasers volume 1
Charles Grant’s Table Top Teasers were a regular feature in the first 24 issues of Battlegames, but they have a history which goes much farther back, to their first appearance in Battle for Wargamers in February 1978.
In this first special volume of Table Top Teasers, we celebrate that heritage by reproducing the very first Teaser ever, together with the first twelve of the Battlegames Teasers and, following a discussion of the use of historical battles as the basis for scenarios, a brand new Teaser based on the Peninsular War battle of Roliça.
In addition, there are contributions from well-known wargamers who have adapted and re-fought some of the Teasers themselves, delivering entertaining and informative accounts accompanied by a host of colour photographs. Battlegames Sci-fi & Fantasy Editor Roger Smith, Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers Journal Editor Richard Baber, Beneath the Lily Banners author and well-known League of Augsburg exhibition gamer Barry Hilton, Edinburgh wargamer and fêted author Angus Konstam, Canadian wargamers and regular Battlegames contributors Bob Barnetson and Ross Macfarlane, and US gamers Jim Purky and Bill Protz, celebrated for their contributions to the Seven Years War Association, have all pitted their wits against the puzzles posed by our favourite Brigadier.
With several brand new maps, extra photos and additional material, there’s something here for every wargamer serious about having fun. And at only a fiver (plus VAT if applicable in your country) for the PDF, this gorgeous, full-colour, 72pp A4+covers publication represents some of the best value in wargaming!
Available right here, right now as a great value PDF download!