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Battlegames Issue 10

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  • Elements-based rules for Ancients. Bob Barnetson and the boys from Edmonton undertaking a major comparative review, including DBA, Armati, Vis Bellica, Warmaster Ancients and Commands & Colors Ancients.
  • A river runs through it. I give a step-by-step photo-lesson in making simple but effective waterways for wargames.
  • Asquith's way. Stuart Asquith discusses creating 'wargames in a box' as a way into new periods and projects.
  • The Wars of the Faltenian Succession. I deliver part 1 of the siege rules, enabling you to use treachery, starvation, surprise and assault to capture enemy strongholds in fictitious or historical settings.
  • Forward Observer. Mike Siggins has so much to talk about in his column that I can't relate it all here, but suffice it to say that he's inspired.
  • Race for the Rhine. Barry Hilton concludes his WWII campaign series with a comprehensive set of campaign rules for use in conjunction with Flames of War.
  • Kriegsspiel rides again. Richard Clarke of TooFatLardies explains the enduring appeal of Kriegsspiel, the mother of all modern wargaming.
  • To boldly go... Our Fantasy & Sci-Fi Editor Roger Smith, just back from a bashing at the Warhammer Fantasy Grand Tourney, licks his wounds by explaining the ten things that annoy him most about the Warhammer rules.
  • C S Grant's Table Top Teaser this time is "Siege train, or 'Caught on the move'", an exciting variant on the wagon train scenario that will test your abilities to the limit.
  • The Recce section is overflowing with goodies. We were sent so many samples that I could have filled the magazine, so I've had to hold some over until next time. Reviews include DBMM and Warlord ancients rules, the new edition of The War Game, War Torn Worlds 'green' scenery, Zvezda plastics, Italeri bunkers, Neil Thomas' Ancient & Medieval Wargaming, Baccus colonials, Magister Militum Mongols, AIM 10mm ancients, Neil Litten's book Ramillies, Angus Konstam's Salerno, Rupert Matthew's book on Crécy, Strategia e Tattica's Teutonic Knights, various publications from the Pike & Shot Society, Castaway Arts Colonials, Buck Surdu's Look Sarge, No Charts WW2 rules, and Warhammer Historical's Siege & Conquest.
  • And, of course, a smile with Larry Leadhead.
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