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Battlegames Issue 25

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  • Tiles of a wargames widow part 2. Terrain maestra Diane Sutherland continues her terrain building mega-effort as the push to open the Wargames Holiday Centre in Crete hots up. Now we're shown how to make all those hills, rivers and other features to decorate the basic baseboards and create tactical challenges.
  • Grand tactical Napoleonics. With their usual ruthless honesty and seasoned eyes, Canadian contributors Bob Barnetson with Bruce Macfarlane compares Volley and Bayonet, Grande Armee, the DBA variant De Bellis Napoleonicus, Age of Eagles and Napoleon's Battles.
  • A starter for ten: an alternative method of resolving campaign matters in Free Kriegsspiel. And now for something completely different. In his first article for Battlegames, Irish contributor Conrad Kinch gives us this intriguing piece. Campaigns have never been so much fun, so you'd best get your thinking caps on!
  • 1806 in miniature. Veteran American wargamer Jim Purky, also known online as 'Der Alte Fritz', returns for the first time since his contributions way back in issues 1 and 2. Now he's got 1806 in his blood and this piece describes how and why he went about this colossal new Napoleonic project, having previously sold off over 10,000 of his Napoleonic miniatures!
  • At the Sharp End. Always a man to bring us interesting ideas, Richard Clarke of TooFatLardies returns with some stimulating thoughts to challenge our preconceptions about the Great War, together with a scenario.
  • Command Challenge. As seen on the front cover, the Editor (yep, that's me!) kicks off a new series of scenarios that will involve the talents of many wargamers in the coming months, ranging from ancients to the modern era. "BKC in the Dunes" is a fast-moving scenario set in the Western Desert in June 1941, with the recently-arrived Afrika Korps taking on the 8th Army using 1/285 GHQ micro-armour. I really hope you like it, if for no other reason than making me feel that painting that darn Caunter camouflage on some of the tanks was worthwhile!
  • In honour of the late Terry Wise, I have decided to create The Battlegames Terry Wise Award in his name to reward our readers' favourite contributors. You'll find all the details about this in this issue.
  • Forward Observer. Mike Siggins gives us his take on the latest fads, which includes his new 'On Radar' quicklist. We're even treated to some rare glimpses of his own painting skills.
  • There are a host of reviews in an exceptionally meaty instalment of Recce, covering a plethora of products arriving thick and fast, from books to miniatures to paint racks.
  • Tricks of the Newark Irregulars provides the Diary of Events for March and April. Given that the magazine is appearing in the middle of the month, please refer to the Newark Irregulars website calendar for events this coming weekend.
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