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7 reviews

The Window - Lesson Plan

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"Behind every closed window there is a story."

This lesson is based around a single image of a window with the shutters closed.

The lesson includes a variety of discussion and narrative creation tasks that you can use to get students thinking and talking about the image. These are followed by a language focus task that helps students to understand the concept and practise the structure of the second conditional. Finally, there are two digital creation tasks and two research follow-up tasks.

You can see a sample copy of the student materials at:

It’s not necessary to use all the tasks in the plan, you can choose to use any of the tasks individually or change the order of the tasks depending on the approach you want to take and the level of your students.

This product includes:
  • Lesson plan with links to digital presentation
You will get a PDF (4MB) file

Customer Reviews

O. P.

Verified Buyer

2 years ago


Studens were interested and curious about what was next. They showed creativity in answers.

Mira Vernay

Verified Buyer

2 years ago

Always a safe bet

My students loved this lesson! I like having one or two of these lesson plans always with me as they already saved my neck when my intended lesson plan didn't turn out as expected.

Lucy M.

Verified Buyer

2 years ago

exciting lesson - brings a lot of discussion to the class

I liked the step-by-step instructions. (I can always skip things I consider inappropriate for my class, but there's a lot of activities I can chose from.)
I would appreciate graded tasks - or to be given some hints how to use the same topic for students of different English levels.


Verified Buyer

2 years ago

Thought-(and discussion) prorokini Lesson plan

Thank u for a Creative Lesson plan. Students enjoy it a lot (and so did I).

Aycan Tuncay

Verified Buyer

2 years ago

The Window

I really like that the concept of the lesson enables learners to be creative and create their own stories through the images. The questions direct learners to think of several possiblities which they can discuss together and decide on possibilities about the story behind the window.