About Me
Thank you for your interest in the content of this book and the accompanying six-part video series, which covers some of my favourite subjects – I trust that comes through when you read this material and watch the videos.
I became an unintentional expert in self-sabotage, through various addictions and through a long-term struggle with mental health. One of the first steps to healing my own emotional pain and suffering was admitting that I had a problem. When I was able to reconcile and accept that all the anguish and misery were present for a reason, I was able to accelerate my recovery and heal my suffering.
The number of books I have read, workshops I have attended and techniques I have tried cover such a vast range of diverse topics, this one book is not enough to share everything. However, to be of service to you – the reader – at such a critical turning point in the world of conscious change, I have consolidated some of the most practical and useful material. The intention is that you can read this book in a short amount of time and immediately start applying the actions and techniques for yourself.
The unprecedented events and the awakening of human consciousness that is happening right now, requires us all to be more aware of what we are truly capable of and not be defined by the past. Society has shifted and when that happens it takes awareness, courage, determination, fortitude and commitment to transcend the normal response. If you wish to continue as you were, I am afraid it is too late – the world has already shifted. Your mindset is critical to heal swiftly and to bounce back from adverse events. For you to pivot requires you to learn how to transform your thinking.
When reading this book and watching the supporting video series, you will come across lots of tried and tested techniques, some of which may be already familiar to you and some may be completely new ideas you have not seen or read about. Enjoy the reminders and be open to innovative ways to pivot your mindset. I trust you will enjoy travelling through the chapters and the videos. I continue my journey of lifelong learning and always welcome any feedback or ideas you wish to share. Please feel free to email comments, ideas, feedback, etc., to: team@damianculhane.co.uk
My vision is to heal suffering and I have a desire to continue to serve people like you with powerful and specific insights. I love working with my clients 1:1 to crack the code of the unconscious mind, which involves discovering unique patterns of sabotaging behaviour and plotting the exact steps of sabotage taken by the ego. I run and host webinars about this topic, so if this is of interest then subscribe to my newsletter to receive the updates on articles, events and offers available to heal suffering.
I also host a podcast called The Self-Sabotage Show, which is available on all major podcast platforms. You can follow this link to access the episodes: The Self-Sabotage Show Podcast with Damian Culhane
Thanks for your interest – I hope to share your journey to unlocking your potential…
How To Pivot Your Mindset - Six Part Video Series
Watch the short intro and overview of what you can expect from this six-part video series and click on this link to access the full product description HERE
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