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11 Amazing Killer Ways To Prepare For The Birth Of Your Baby: Creating Peace, Love, and Joy For The Birthday

11 Amazing Killer Ways To Prepare For The Birth Of Your Baby: Creating Peace, Love, and Joy For The Birthday


Most mamas around the third trimester are looking closer towards the day when their little star will be here in their arms. Are you one of those mamas reading this? Looking for doable labor preparation strategies to help you feel more prepared on the big day? 

You're in the correct place, mama! As a nurse - midwife who specializes in labor and delivery, I am aware that there is a LOT of information available on birth preparations. And it can be difficult to process everything and sort out what is genuinely required from what is not. 

I've therefore narrowed it down to 10 things you can do today to get ready for labor and delivery. 

Things I don't want you to skip that will positively affect your pregnancy, birth, and adjustment to motherhood! 

Ready, mama? Let's Move right along! 

Table Of Contents 

1. Maintain a positive outlook 

2. Consider the logistics 

3. Fill a hospital pack with essentials. 

4. Prepare your body for giving birth. 

5. Make a birth plan but keep it flexible. 6. Attend the childbirth education class. 

Practice your pain management techniques before you experience pain in order to:

7. Make your partner a knowledgeable source of support; 8. 

9. Carry out some nesting chores 

10. Don't forget to prepare for postpartum, too! 

11.Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

What am I referring to here? Well, merely adopting a positive attitude probably won't lower your risk of the unexpected (such as an unanticipated C-section or stopped labor), but it can help you deal with it gracefully and with serenity. Stying positive in every situation is a key element in navigating through pregnancy.

Did you know pregnancy is 10 % physical preparation and 90% emotional preparation?

A good outlook can also influence how you perceive the discomforts of labor. That is indeed one of the main facets of giving birth. 

We will be more equipped to endure the pain /discomforts if we alter our perspective on delivery (and the pain in particular), as well as the language we use to describe birth (for example, calling them surges or waves rather than contractions or pain). 

1.So how can you promote a positive outlook about childbirth? 

Maternal Treasures- A positive outlook makes everything better!

Thinking positively about your baby's birth is one of the keys that'll help to give you a wonderful experience during your birth. Listen to inspiring and birth stories! Maternal Treasures Podcast has already highlighted SO many of them, and The Birth Hour is yet another fantastic resource. 

Use birth mantra, Bible scriptures, meditations and affirmations! You should actually pronounce them out to yourself after writing them down and printing them out. You CAN educate your mind to feel optimistic about your impending delivery rather than anxious or concerned. Your mind is very powerful. The Bible says, " As a man thinketh, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

More on this below, but it will be simpler to remain upbeat and feel GOOD prior to labor starting if there is less of a sense of uncertainty. The Bible also says " Merry heart doth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drouth the bones." Proverbs 17: 22

2.Consider the logistics 

There are several birth preparation checklists available, but I frequently DON'T see this item on them.

It's extremely critical, in my opinion. Although it may seem apparent, organizing and planning out the logistics of giving birth can relieve a lot of mental stress, which will help you adopt the optimistic mindset mentioned above.


Anyone giving birth without an induction or planned C-section must be aware that we cannot predict when it will occur. That gives many of us a sense of being out of control and may even cause us to get paralyzed. 

However, you CAN prepare for the logistics by going to the hospital and spending a few days away from home while you're there. Here is a short list of logistics to consider and some other planning advice: 

Before going into labor, take your spouse on a practice trip to the hospital. 

In this manner, you will be aware of the exact location of the parking space, the drop-off location, and the entrance door. You can determine the best route to travel and how long it will take to get there. 

Don't go to the hospital for the first time while you are in labor because I am aware that many individuals don't frequently visit there and have appointments elsewhere. You can also request a hospital tour of the maternity unit. This is a wonderful idea to get you familiar with the staff and environment.

 During one of your prenatal sessions, be sure to inquire whether a separate entrance is available overnight so that you can confirm.

Purchase a car seater for baby.


Most hospitals nowadays require it for baby's discharge. You can learn more about car seater safety here.

Once installed, it will be available and prepared for use whenever you need it. Additionally, by finishing it early, you can get it safety-inspected. 

A car seat safety technician is frequently on call at your town hall or local fire departments on particular days of the month. To find out, visit the website for your town or give them a call. 

Prepare your hospital bag and leave it at the door. 

Or keep it somewhere else that's simple to get to! When labor starts, you want this to be incredibly simple to grab, so do it ahead of time to relieve yourself of the mental burden. 

In the following tip, we'll discuss what it needs to contain. 

Don't overpack for the infant! Seriously, everything you require will be provided by the hospital. The car seat was practically the only thing you could bring for them.

Make plans for other children's childcare. 

Okay, planning for this can be one of the most difficult tasks, but it's not impossible! The most important thing to make sure of is that you have someone available 24 hours a day! From 37 weeks on, instruct them to keep their phone near their bed and on loud just in case.

And in this situation, an elective induction can make sense if you genuinely don't have anyone in the area that you can arrange childcare for. I never advocate something lightly, but I recognize that for some of you, it's a reality.

You may want to think about researching childcare choices on a website like You can also take the time to select a good caregiver and have many meetings with them if you begin your search early in your third trimester. This will ensure that everyone is comfortable with the arrangement. 

Make plans for your animals. 

Likewise, arrange for pet care in advance if you have animals that will need attention while you're in the

hospital having a baby. You'll need to look for someone with a flexible schedule and on-call availability! 

Create a cheat sheet for your family. 

Create a small cheat sheet or information guide for them about your home if you will need someone to watch your pet or other children. Include crucial safety details and information regarding

Include critical safety information, specifics like eating, sleeping, and napping schedules, favorite meals, and travel destinations. 

If the caretakers are from out of town or don't generally spend a lot of time with your other kids (or pets! ), this will be especially crucial. 

If they're looking for ways to help, you can also add information like the schedule for trash pickup, any housekeeping help that arrives, errand/grocery lists, and tasks they can complete around the house to help you get ready to bring the baby home. 

3. Fill a hospital pack with essentials. 

Most expectant mothers are generally aware of their essential hospital bag needs. Just as you would for any 2- or 3-day excursion away from home, am I correct? Okay, that's true, but you should give your hospital bag a bit more thought. 

You may read the complete post with hospital bag checklists for the mother, spouse, and child, but here's a quick summary and some advice: 

Separate bags should be packed for the baby, partner, recovery, and labor. This prevents you from digging through a bag of items to find what you need during labor; instead, ONLY bring in labor-related items, possibly along with your partner's luggage. Once you've settled into your postpartum room, bring the recovery and baby bag in. 

When choosing clothing to bring, keep comfort in mind, and if you intend to nurse, focus on alternatives that are nursing-friendly. This meant plenty of lounge/PJ trousers with wide waistbands for me, plush nursing camis and thin cotton robes. 

If your hospital does not have birth/breastfeeding props, include them in your hospital bag. A smart place to start is with your pump, a birth ball, and a nursing cushion. However, most people want to bring a particular clothing for the trip home as well as perhaps a cute swaddle for photos in the hospital. 

On top of the luggage, place a small list of last-minute necessities. It's possible that items like chargers and your favorite pair of pregnancy leggings won't be packed until the very last moment. A visible reminder should be placed on your bag to ensure that you don't forget. 

4. Prepare your cervix for childbirth 

This advice may also be called "Be physically ready"! There are a few things to take into account when preparing your body for labor: 

  • helping in preparing your cervix for labor 
  • assisting the infant into the best position possible for birth 
  • boosting and energizing the muscles needed for birthing

This involves consuming dates, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, and taking supplements like primrose oil. 


Encourage the infant into the ideal position. 

This is a crucial additional step in preparing your body for labor. Because your chances of inducing spontaneous labor are increased if the baby is lying head-down and facing your back (an OA position). This is due to the fact that the baby's head will actually assist with the three things I mentioned earlier (ripen, efface, and dilate). Yup! It is real! 

Many gestures and techniques can be used to get the baby's head down and engaged. Curb walking, The Miles Circuit, and forward-leaning inversion are a few I always mention to mothers. 

build up your muscles for labor and the postpartum period. 

Of course, I can't discuss physical labor preparation without briefly addressing fitness. Did you know that prenatal exercise has a ton of birth-related advantages backed by research?

My favorite points include the following: 

reduced labor and delivery time According to a 2018 study, pregnant women who exercise will experience labor and delivery that are much shorter than those who don't. 

Greater likelihood of giving delivery without an epidural (if that's your desire!) The very same study revealed a link between consistent exercise during pregnancy and reduced need for an epidural during birth. 

reduces the incidence of PPD and controls mood swings: Exercise causes the release of happy hormones called endorphins. 

Easy postpartum recovery: Strengthening your pelvic floor and core now can help you have a less difficult time recovering after giving birth 5. according to a s an an a the an as an a the a the a 

Every expectant mother should make a birth plan, in my opinion! There is so much value in the PROCESS of making a birth plan, regardless of whether you have a clear birth vision, aren't really sure, are scheduled for an induction, or even have a planned C-section. 

5.A decent birth plan template

Third Trimester package

This will make you aware of possibilities and choices you might not have been aware of. It will pique people's interest and knowledge, as well as start to clear up certain birth-related mysteries. It's an excellent starting place for discussion and debate with your care giver. You can get your third trimester birthplace here.

Additionally, it's a fantastic method to make sure that you and your partner or other support person are on the same page. However, it's important to keep in mind that a birth plan is not a legally enforceable agreement.

To ensure that your birth plan enhances your experience (and helps you see different outcomes), rather than making your birth wishes more restrictive, maintain the optimistic mindset we discussed in tip #1 and add a healthy dose of flexibility. For more advice on maximizing the effectiveness of your birth plan, read on! Before you leave, be sure to get the FREE Maternal Treasures Birth Plan. 

6. Attend the birthing education class.


Without the recommendation to enroll in a childbirth class, no labor preparation manual would be complete. When it comes to giving birth, I firmly believe in the power of knowledge that is evidenced based is powerful in helping you to embrace your Labor Day for success.

The best way to be SURE you're learning what you actually need is through a thorough, excellent, and professionally taught birth class. The good news is that, You can engage live right in the comfort of your own home and ask ALLyour questions answered by a professional who has seen it all.

It's incredibly simple to fully prepare for birth from the convenience of your home, using online or virtual  birth or parenting classes.Our classes are very interactive and effective in helping moms to overcome their fears of labor and delivery. You can read more and register here. You can read more on the topic

Are Birthing Classes Necessary? 10 Best Reasons Why Childbirth Classes Are Worth It!

7.Make sure your partner/support persons are just as knowledgable as you.

Do not go into labor with them not knowing what to expect. Many moms only educate themselves and leave their partners out. No mama you have to take them to your class so they can be involved and learn their role.

You can take the following actions to promote not only bonding but also team work in getting what you both would like to achieve.

  • Together, finish a childbirth class and put what you learned into practice. 
  • As a group, make your birth plan, then go through it after you are fully pregnant. Your partner will be able to better represent your interests as a result. 
  • With friends who are experienced parents, discuss childbirth. Request the birth partner's perspective on the situation. 
  • Share with your spouse any information you find helpful about labor and delivery. Like the articles, IG posts, and weekly pregnancy emails you receive in the Maternal Treasures community? 

8. Before you experience labor discomfort, practice your coping mechanisms. 

Reading about pain management techniques, breathing exercises, relaxation methods, etc. is all well and good, but if you don't put them to use beforehand, it can be very difficult to do so when you're actually going through labor pains. 

I enjoy teaching mothers to relax and practice their breathing exercises while holding an ice cube! It becomes really painful, requiring you to use your tactics with a lot of mental effort. 

Learn more about: Birthing Breathing and Relaxation Techniques 

9. Carry out some nesting chores 

Nesting during pregnancy

Nesting includes the sudden need to clean,

stock up, plan, developing birth plans, and

limiting crowds in preparation for baby's birth.

I think most of you will agree that our thoughts can relax more when everything feels is in order and properly accounted for. And that's likely the source of a lot of the nesting impulse! We want to have the impression that everything is prepared completely so that our brains are free of to-do lists. 

So while you prepare for labor and delivery, embrace your nesting instinct and make your home completely set up, stocked, and ready to welcome your new baby. 

10.Preparing your home with postpartum necessities and taking steps in advance to ease your adjustment to life with a newborn are two incredibly helpful things you can do! 

What I suggest is as follows: 

  • Stock up on healthful, quick-to-heat meals for your freezer. You will appreciate them whether you cook them yourself, ask a loved one to help, or just stock up in the freezer section of the grocery store. 
  • Purchase personal care items for the newborn. You will need pads for postpartum bleeding, witch hazel pads, and frozen padsicles at the very least. 
  • assemble breastfeeding necessities as well. Breast pads, nipple cream, and a nursing cushion are good places to start. 

Prepare a secure sleeping area for the infant in your room.

  • Room-sharing is recommended by the American Academy of Paediatrics for the first 6-12 months. Are you ready for me to help you to get ready for labor? Mama,I am so ready to help you! 
  • You'll be well on your way to a more assured birth if you use this list as your reference! With these practical suggestions, you'll be completely equipped for childbirth in no time. 

11.Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart

Maternal Treasures- Prayer for Labor Day

Say this prayer mama with confidence knowing that God is with you and your baby. I cover you both in the blood of Jesus! Amen.

Mama I want to encourage you to put your trust in the Living God. The one who planted that seed inside you. Trust and know that all things are working together for your good! Trust Him in the good times, trust Him in the bad times.

Proverbs 3:5,6 says True in the Lord With ALL your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. God is with you at ALL times even in the delivery room mama! I encourage you do not leave home without Him.

I have personally found God to be a strong tower of strength during my labor of my four children. I studied and meditated on scriptures that really helped me out then and even now as I go through my day -to -day life. God's word is POWERFUL for everything we face.


Mama we have come to the end of our presentation: 11 Amazing Killer Ways To Prepare For The Birth Of Your Baby: Creating Peace, Love, and Joy For The Birthday. I hope you enjoyed it very much and learned something to help you along the way.

Let's continue discussing labor preparation in the comments! 

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