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Bundle: Soulful Starches Cookbook (Ebook) + Meal Planner Pack


Soulful Starches Cookbook (Ebook). From the Wholehearted Vegan


Meal Planner Pack


FREE Calorie Density Chart Downloads


I'm Natalie ~ From the Wholehearted Vegan Channel

Hello! - I provide tips & inspo for living the Whole-Food Plant-Based lifestyle! 🌿

If you are interested, intrigued (or even confused) about Veganism - you are in the right place. I can help you eat a Whole Food Plant Based Diet and reach your Vegan goals.

Enjoy my Meal Planner Pack and my Oil-Free, Plant-Based Cookbook!

I follow the Starch Solution lifestyle, created by Dr. McDougall, and many of my YouTube videos are "What I Eat in a Day" videos while eating this Plant-Based way.

~ love, peace and plants, Natalie