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Blog Posts

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Levitation Breakthrough and Gifts From The Mantis Beings
Levitation and Encounters with Mantis BeingsRecently, I attended an extraordinary retreat in Sedona, Arizona, under the guidance of the renowned channeler, Marilyn Gewacke. This retreat unfolded an unexpected and transformative experience t...
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The Mantis Beings - ET Encounter
In this blog I’ll be touching on my interactions with the Mantis Beings. I’ll be going into detail about my experience of their physique, how they create art, and what they shared with me about achieving levitation.I consider myself a starseed. And m...
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Blog Posts

Dream Journal: Entry 1 - Unicorn Valley
I've been experimenting with lucid dreaming for quite a while now. On and off trying different tricks to see what will help me wake up within the dream. Since I've started my research I've learned a few tips that stuck. The first one was recommended ...
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