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Second Studio Chat at Jill Wolcott Knits

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Second Studio Chat is a conversation about why we knit and how to get the most out of our knitting time.  Are you a solid-block-of-time knitter or are you a grab-time-when-I-can knitter? Do you plan your projects or  . . . ?

Second Studio Chat
You can come via video (I'll have lipstick on!) or just come to chat (no video).  Sign up here to get the log-in information.  Use any device or computer.  Come with answers to the questions on the first tab. We'll see where we go from there.

The invitation to the GoToMeeting login is the pdf you will get the link to after purchasing this.

Future Studio Chats are every other week and cost $5 to join.  They will run through December 14.  Each has a separate page because of the log-in information.

November 16:  Studio Chat 3.  Choosing Yarn and Colors.  Stepping outside your comfort zone.
November 30:  Studio Chat 4.  To Swatch or Not.  Making the most of your yarn and knitting time.
December 14:  Studio Chat 5.  Blocking.  Just in time for gifting!

Why Studio Chat?
I love talking about knitting, and yarn, and what knitting brings to our lives.  For me knitting is a metaphor for life, but we aren't always paying attention to it that way.  So the Studio Chats might be considered spiritual lifting up, and polishing your skills, or looking to make your knitting more satisfying or more fulfilling.  Or just talking about your next project, what you want to learn, what your knitting world is like.  Or maybe just what's for dinner!  Also, show and tell. I am a solitary knitter.  Mitch is pretty much not interested.

You can ask me questions.  You know I probably have an opinion.  Why do I knit?  I have five reasons:

  1. Need to do research and development for my work;
  2. Keeps me sane;
  3. I am not able to just sit, so it always gives me something to do;
  4. I need something mentally engaging to think about when I'm not otherwise engaged;
  5. Did I mention that Mitch is a man of few words?

Studio Chats Beginning in 2021
January 4:  Return of Studio Chats!  5 pm PST/PDT

Topics for 2021 TBA!

I will also be beginning a series of Chats called Becoming the Knitter You Want to Be. A little more depth; talking specifically about making your knitting practice matter in ways you want it to.

I also will be starting a one-on-one consulting service, Jill Wolcott Knits Studio Sessions. You can set time with me to help you solve issues, professional, knitting, design-related, or other life-related advice.   The first 15 minutes are free, then you sign up for additional blocks of time at $12.50/15 min.  I will also do small groups (you put the group together) and will give you a quote on cost.

Jill Wolcott Knits Studio Sessions:  Be The You You Want to Be. Sign ups will open later this fall.
You will get a PDF (102KB) file