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Your Biggest Energy Blocks

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The goal of Life Coach is to have a complete understanding of what a client wants, what is blocking them, and why.  This workshop will focus on what those blocks are and how to break through their barriers.

A block is simply anything that hinders you, and it comes from the external (economy) or internal.  An internal block could be your beliefs and your attitudes about yourself, others, or the world.  Ironically, 95% of our blocks are internal.  Have you ever heard the saying, “Your external appearances are a manifestation of what’s going on inside”?  Simply put, what’s going on inside will reflect your results.

Let me give you a simple example.  Have you ever noticed someone who is always late for his appointments and is living in constant chaos?  This is just a reflection of what he is processing internally.  On the other hand, a person who never has an excuse is always present and attacks any challenge is one who has very few internal blocks.

In this workshop, Certified Professional Coach Ashley Elich and I cover the four blocks and discuss how to conquer these blocks:

  1. Limiting Beliefs
  2. Interpretations
  3. Assumptions
  4. Gremlin

A coach uses the acronym GAIL to refer to the blocks.  Gremlins are the most powerful blocks, and limiting beliefs are the least restrictive.  The goal is to understand each of these blocks, remove them, and create a new reality. 

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