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Vsk Revolution Points Tracker Batch File

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When executed, this Windows batch file (.bat) relocates all CSV results files from the standard Vsk5 "Results" folder and places them into a new folder named "Autohost_Results" within the same directory...

When the file is exited, the CSV results files return to being placed into the standard "Results" folder.

Make sure to edit the batch file to designate the correct file path on your system,...:

Example: C:\Users\[you]\Documents\Vsk5\Results

1. Introduction

The VskRev_auto_results.bat file is a Windows batch script designed to monitor a specified folder for new CSV files generated by your game and automatically move them to a designated folder. This ensures organized file management by transferring all newly created CSV files to a separate folder called Autohost_Results.

2. System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 10 or later

Permissions: User must have write permissions in the C:\Users\2001t\Documents\Vsk5\Results directory.

3. Installation

Create the Batch File:

Open a text editor (e.g., Notepad).

Copy the provided script code into the editor.

Save the file with the name MoveCSVFiles.bat in a location of your choice.

Verify Folder Structure:

Ensure that the folder C:\Users\[you]\Documents\Vsk5\Results exists, as this is where the game generates CSV files.

4. File Operations

Source Directory: The script monitors the C:\Users\[you]\Documents\Vsk5\Results directory for any new CSV files.

Destination Directory: The script creates a new folder named Autohost_Results in the Results directory if it does not already exist.

File Movement: Any CSV files found in the source directory will be moved (not copied) to the Autohost_Results folder, ensuring that they are removed from the original location.

5. Running the Batch File

Locate the Batch File:

Navigate to the folder where you saved MoveCSVFiles.bat.

Execute the Script:

Double-click the MoveCSVFiles.bat file to run it.

A Command Prompt window will open, displaying output messages related to file movement.

6. Understanding the Batch File

Looping Mechanism: The script contains a loop that allows it to continuously check for new CSV files.

Folder Creation: It checks if the Autohost_Results folder exists and creates it if necessary.

File Processing: The for loop within the script identifies any CSV files and moves them to the destination folder.

Script Structure


Copy code:

set "source=C:\Users\[you]\Documents\Vsk5\Results"

set "newFolder=Autohost_Results"

set "destination=%source%\%newFolder%"

Source: Defines the folder where CSV files are generated.

Destination: Combines the source path with the new folder name to create the destination path.

7. Stopping the Batch File

To stop the script while it is running:

Close Command Prompt: Click the "X" button in the top-right corner of the Command Prompt window.

Keyboard Shortcut: Press Ctrl + C while in the Command Prompt window, and confirm with Y.

Task Manager: Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), find the Command Prompt process, and select "End Task".

8. Troubleshooting

Script Not Moving Files: Ensure that CSV files are actually present in the Results folder. The script will only move files that are currently there.

Permissions Issues: If you encounter permission errors, ensure you have sufficient rights to modify files in the specified directories.

9. FAQs

Q: What happens if I manually add a CSV file to the Results folder?

A: The script will automatically detect and move the file to the Autohost_Results folder.

Q: Can I run multiple instances of this script?

A: Running multiple instances may cause conflicts. It is recommended to run only one instance at a time.

Q: Will the original files remain in the Results folder?

A: No, the script moves the files, so they will no longer be in the Results folder after execution.

10. Important Note

The batch file will remove all existing files that are already inside the Results folder. It is highly recommended to back up any existing files to a new directory before running the script.

All files found in the Results folder will be relocated to the newly created Autohost_Results folder.

No files will be deleted; they will simply be moved, which may cause some confusion.

Once the batch file is exited, CSV result files will return to being placed in the standard Results folder.

Each time the batch file is run, all files in the Results folder will be moved to the Autohost_Results folder.

You will get a ZIP (639B) file

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