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50 First Ladies of the USA Notebooking Pages

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Research and Record your findings in your Presidential Notebook with 50 First Ladies of the USA Notebooking Pages. Notebooking is a great way to learn and remember new information, facts, and ideas. There will be so much information at your fingertips when you finish each page.

50 First Ladies of the USA Notebooking Pages has a photograph of each First Lady, a map to color in her home state, and places to record your data from your research on each of these amazing men! On each page, you will find her name, the presidential number, and a photo. In addition, there are questions about her that you can read books and investigate online to find the answers.

American Presidents are an incredible group of man from differing backgrounds and a variety of political views. Their wives are just as impressive.

Some, like Martha Washington, overcame shyness to be at her husband’s side through war and the turmoil of a brand new nation. Others, like Nancy Reagan, took a strong stand against evil in the nation. Nancy took her stand against drugs. Some First Ladies earned nicknames because of personal conviction—that’s what happened to “Lemonade Lucy.” First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy redecorated the White House and First Lady Abigail Adams saved historical artwork when the White House caught on fire.

Why 50, not 45?
The First Lady is the Hostess of the White House. Most often this is the wife of the President, but sometimes, if the President is a widower or single, a sister, daughter, or daughter-in-law fills in and is given the title First Lady. Sometimes a President lost their wife and remarried while still President. That’s why there are more First Ladies than Presidents.

In your research, you can discover these amazing First Ladies who were smart, beautiful, articulate, and, above all, committed to supporting their husbands in the difficult role of leading the greatest nation on earth.

You will be impressed, amazed, saddened, and bewildered as you learn more about the lives of these amazing women.

It’s so fun to research and record what you learn!

Series: Teach History the Fun Way
Author: Meredith Curtis
Publisher: Powerline Productions
E-Book: 61 Pages
Age/Grade: 4th - 9th Grade
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