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Space Vacation

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Everybody likes to take a vacation now and then, and perhaps on the rarer occasion, people like to take an extra-special holiday.

In the more likely case of the wealthy – and less frequently, the extremely lucky – this means a cruise off-world on one of those really fancy star-liners that go from one system to the next, picking up and dropping off glittering and excitedly chattering passengers along the way. People bluffed themselves that space travel was perfectly safe, allowing the numbers and statistics to persuade them that if anything bad was going to happen, then it would more likely happen to someone else, on some other ship, on some other voyage, in some other star system. Except when it didn’t.

‘Paradise between the planets’, they called it. Most of the time, that’s how it was. But not this time.

On the last voyage of the Demeter – a deep space star-liner with the Red Star Line, passengers and crew got more than they bargained for. Way more.

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