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BUSTER BEARS TWINS - another adventure in the Green Forest

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In BUSTER BEAR’S TWINS Mother Bear has a secret! But she doesn’t have just one secret, she has two! They're her brand new cubs — Boxer and Woof-Woof who are the Green Forest's newest inhabitants. Their arrival has Peter Rabbit, Chatterer the Red Squirrel, Prickly Porky, Hooty the Owl, and other forest creatures all astir over the goings-on in the Bear household.

Young readers, too, can share in their adventures and escapades as they learn how the twins get even with the mischievous Peter Rabbit. Also, find out what happens when the bears first meet their father and discover why Mother Bear has to rescue her cubs and much more.

This book brims with traditional values, gentle humour, and life lessons about nature and wildlife. Here, Thornton Burgess' engaging tale reveals why he's a grandmaster at storytelling. He purposely keeps the text is a simple, easy-to-read style which is complemented with four charming illustrations. This book will captivate today's readers as much as it charmed audiences of generations long passed.

10% of the profit from the sale of this book is donated to charities.

Yesterday's Books for Today's Charities
KEYWORDS/TAGS: Buster Bear, mother bear, twins, Secret, Peter Rabbit, Glee, Boxer, Woof-Woof, brother, sister, Twins, Climb, Chatterer, Home, reprisal, Tight Place, Chance, Feeling Foolish, little Bears, cubs, Father, Rescue, First Bath, Puzzled, naughty Boxer, Sulk, Get Even, Fun, Alone, Lost, Great World, Wood, Forest, Dreadful Night, Breakfast, Painful Lesson. Sad, Wise, wisdom, Polite, Little Fellow, Wish, Nose, All Is Well, at Last, folklore, fairy tales, myths and legends, fables, moral tale, parents with children, mothers to be, mothers with children, pregnant, expecting, children’s story, bedtime story, green forest,
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