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THE SAINT OF THE DRAGON'S DALE - Medieval Dragon-Slaying Action and Adventure

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A fantastic tale of the demon-haunted forests of 13th C. Germany. In the Dale of the Dragon, or "Der Tal des Drachen", lives a young man named Jerome, the hero of our story. In the surrounding forest lives the witch Martha and her twin ravens which speak of Satan, who even makes an appearance to tempt Jerome to the dark side of life.

But what is a haunted forest if it doesn’t have robber barons and outlaws, and what would our story be without Agnes the maiden, who is, of course, in distress. Who is the mysterious Saint of the Dragon's Dale - a powerful, mysterious figure with a dark secret. Will he ride in to save the day, or will he be too late.

A page turning, medieval adventure ideally suited for 12 to 16 year olds and definitely not a fairy tale.

To find the answers to these, and any other questions you may have, download this little book and find out for yourself.
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KEYWORDS/TAGS: fairy tales, folklore, myths, legends, children’s stories, children, young adult, stories, bygone era, , Saint of the dragon’s dale, Abbess, abbey, Action, adventure, Agnes, Andreas, angel, Bamberg, Baron, basket, battlement, beasts, Beelzebub, blackened, burgomaster, castle, palace, Christ, Christian, Church, Clement, crucifix, Dale of the Dragon, Dale, Dame, Davis, demons, Devil, Dragon, dungeon, Eisenach, Emperor, forest, Franz, Franz-of-the-Ram’s-Pate, Frederick, Freiherr, Fritz, frowned, furze, gate, Gerda, Germany, glade, God, golden, Goslar, Graf, Count, greenwood, Gustav, Harun, Harz, heaven, helmet, Hems, herald, hermit, holy, Italy, Jerome, hero, heroine, in distress, Jesuit, Johann, Judgment, Kaiser, kiss, knight, lanzknecht, laugh, laughter, Lord, Ludwig, maid, maiden, Martha the Witch, Masterless, Mathilde, men-at-arms, Michael, midnight, moon, moonlight, Mordecai, noble, partridge, paynim, pixies, poacher, portcullis, postern, prayer, Priest, ransom, raven, Rome, rose, Rudolf, Saint, Satan, sheepskin, Sigismund, squire, sun, sword, temptation, Thuringerwald, Thuringia, turn to stone, Ulrich, Wartburg, wench, wicked, Witch, Wolf, Zebek, Zodok
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