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Cigar Box Stick Dulcimer


 épinette des Vosges


Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer


7 String Lyre, Hybrid, Viking and Travel model included


5 String Kantele plans and ebook


11 String Kantele plans


Tenor Ukulele plans 14 fret model


Electric Kantele 11 String


Kravik Lyre Digital Plans


Lyre Making CD 2019 Download


Stick Dulcimer plans (PDF Download)


Cigar Box Concert Ukulele


Sheet music for "Lyre Meditation"


Kantele Making CD-ROM (DOWNLOAD)


Cologne Lyre


About Me

Making and designing Musical Instrument full time since 2002, with videos on Youtube since 2006. My background was in Sculpture and fine arts at University along with training to be a fine Furniture maker. My work philosophy is to share what I have learned by making my instrument designs available. Through my plans, Youtube videos, and educational CD-ROMS I have helped many new and established makers around the world.