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Self- Care Journal and Workbook: Boost Your Self- Confidence and Learn Self-Acceptance and Love


Myths and Misconceptions about Money from the African Sky Subtitle: Tips, Tricks and Secrets for Reaching Financial Wellbeing


Mastering your Financial Mindset Workbook


Budget Workbook


"Unleashing Your Inner Radiance: A Journey to Empowerment and Fulfillment for Young Single Women"


Random Acts of Kindness: A Journal to Practice Authentic Kindness to Others


7 days Made Simple Journaling Workbook


About us

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to balance your checkbook at the end of the month? Trust me, you're not alone.

After 10 years in Sales and Marketing at a bank, I saw so many promising young professionals stressing and borrowing from Peter to pay Paul just to make it through the month.

Living from paycheck to paycheck is no way to live, and I realized that I had to do something to help.

That's why I created Royalty Ark Digital Genesis! We offer a collection of self-help workbooks and journals to assist in reaching financial freedom and overall well-being.

Our main goal is to educate, empower, and simplify the process of achieving financial well-being. We believe everyone can achieve balance, harmony, prosperity, and abundance in their lives.

But our site isn't just about financial advice; we also share self-care and mindset content to help you on your journey.

Plus, we love to keep things simple, seamless, and sophisticated. Who needs stress in their life when they can have peace and financial stability instead?

So come on over to and join our community. We offer tons of money-related blog posts, as well as content on self-care and mindset. Plus, you can learn more about me, Zinzi, the fun-loving, free-spirited founder of Royalty Ark Digital Genesis. When I'm not busy creating content, I enjoy simple things like watching sundowners, listening to the birds chirp, and planting my own garden.

Together, let's tame the financial chaos and achieve financial well-being on our own terms. See you on the other side!