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War of Jenkin's Ear Complete


To Covet Glory - Modifications to Kiss Me Hardy for Ships Under the Rate


The WWII East Front Bundle


The Second Kharkov Campaign


Work In Progress - The Second Battle of Adobe Walls


The Coming Thunder


Pohick Church - August 18, 1861


Green Hill Tennessee - April 6, 1863


The French Coast


The Campaign For Greece


In the Name of Roma


Action at Ustilug - Ukraine 1941


Campaign for Kharkov October 1941


Falcon and the Gladiator


Air War in the Western Desert June 41 to Nov 42


About Me

Hello, I am Chris Stoesen.  I have been making wargame scenarios for a number of years now.  I primarily focus on games from the TooFatLardies in the UK.  They provide excellent tool kits to build around.  I have a number of wargame scenarios availible.  These include WWII, American Civil War and a few others.  These are just the ones availible from me.  TooFatLardies has other scenario books I have written on thier website.  Look under IABSM, Sharp Practice and several Specials articles.

Always on the look out for what will next catch my imagination, keep checking in for new items.

Thanks for taking a look.