The Last Walk — PDF
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The Last Walk – PDF
Anna Johnstone.PDF landscape, colour throughout. 84pp.
ISBN 9780473418205.
Published by: Johnstone2 Photography (2018).
Praise for The Last Walk
"Having just spent the past hour again luxuriating in the beauty of the words and images of your latest book Anna, I can truly say I believe it surpasses all that you have already written. This is a big statement to make as I have loved every one of your books. I count them as faithful friends that I can go to when necessary for inspiration, comfort, peace, assurance and for that necessary prodding and challenge I sometimes need to help sharpen my faith, reset my course and know that God is ever present in the big and small things of life.
In The Last Walk the simple but profound messages of God’s love, provision and faithfulness at the end of life, seep through every page and create very authentic images in my mind. In one of the reflections you say “the force of the words grabs me” and that is how I feel as I read each page and consider the beautiful accompanying images. Thank you for sharing this with me and allowing me the privilege of hearing your heart through these intimate reflections of God at work in the sunset days of our lives."
Dr Francine Bennett
Teacher Educator, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, Tauranga
"What strikes me earliest and most significantly about The Last Walk is that you describe a journey of remarkable changing perspectives and understandings both in your faith and trust in God’s love and grace, and also in the demolitions and growings in the realities of life, ageing and dyings.
I’m deeply sceptical of the type of journey that sees every corner turned as another step up and onwards as the vigour of life gives way to the pains and shocks of the realities of the fadings and dyings in human lives.
You face each discovery, each shock, each invitation to deepen and depend more on grace with courage, tears and humour. And it’s all illustrated so enticingly with apt words and images alongside the magnificent photographs from your and Kerry’s lenses.
I think your book will bless many readers and encourage them to face into the latter stages of life more realistically and with less fear and uncertainty.
Well done."
Rev Andrew Dunn, Oasis Retreat Centre, Albany
With great simplicity and depth, Anna gives us a nudge, taps us gently on the shoulder and guides us into new ways of engaging with the end of our lives and of those we love. She gives us permission to focus more on just being, rather than always doing. Dip into this wonderful book when you are feeling low, sad or lost. You are sure to find comfort and hope in Anna’s words.
The Last Walk has sumptuous, wide, two-page spreads. Perfect as a gift or for your own contemplation.
Word Cloud Images
Click here for 25 word cloud images based on Anna’s poem about Psalm 71:16 in The Last Walk.
You are welcome to use the images in PowerPoints for worship etc. I have included in the PDF a link to a YouTube video on how to create word clouds.
PDF eBooks by Anna Johnstone available in our store:
The Spirit Walk (2020) $15.00
The Last Walk (2018) $15.00
The Jesus Walk (2014) $15.00
The Psalm Walk (2010) $15.00
The God Walk (2010) $10.00
The Freedom Walk (2010) $10.00
The Cross Walk (2010) $10.00