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The Psalm Walk — PDF

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The Psalm Walk – PDF

Anna Johnstone
78pp, landscape.
Published by: Johnstone2 Photography (2010).
ISBN 9780473165628.

Praise for The Psalm Walk

"There’s no point beating around the bush. I’m an Anna Johnstone fan! And I have been for longer than I can remember. I’ve got all her  previous books (I hope), and I’ll gladly add this new one to my set. I don’t know how the lady does it.

Using words as an artform, she’s injected 21st-century life into these dusty old Psalms. The design of this book is superb, and the images are simply gorgeous. Her tasteful turns-of phrase make me envious. (I mean, “Thoughts dogpaddle widely…” Psalm 27. Why didn’t I write that?) And her gentle, understated God-bits keep hinting at a Creator who’s actually nice, and will stop at nothing to have us come home.

My favourite at this point, from the pages that follow, is ‘Rush Hour Traffic’ Psalm 20. But I’m only halfway through, so watch this space… To my fellow-readers I would say: Take your time. These thoughtful reflections aren’t a fast-food combo to be gulped down in one bite. More a go-slow once-a-day treat, to be relished in bed, perhaps, over a morning cup of tea.

To Anna I would say: You’ve done it again! I’ve yet to meet you in person, but I feel I already know you. Thanks for sharing your heart in such a creative way.

John Cooney Grapevine Magazine

The first of Anna’s books to be designed specifically as an electronic book (eBook). This allows colour images to be used on every page, with images matching her reflections to create a powerful book exploring the Psalms.

PDF eBooks by Anna Johnstone available in our store:

The Spirit Walk (2020) $15.00

The Last Walk (2018) $15.00

The Jesus Walk (2014) $15.00

The Psalm Walk (2010) $15.00

The God Walk (2010) $10.00

The Freedom Walk (2010) $10.00

The Cross Walk  (2010) $10.00
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