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Niteblade #21 - Seeds

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What We All Heard and What Was Denied by Mary M. Alexander
The tip of Ethan’s tongue itched, the annoying way it did when he struggled not to ask a forbidden question. The four of them sat at the dinner table, trying to pretend it didn’t sound as though someone was playing with a sledgehammer under the floorboards.

Scavengers by Anna Sykora
Maybe two dark winters had frozen and gone since the wall went up and the lights went out. I was living in Central Park, in a tree house built from dead men’s doors, with a rope ladder I pulled up at night.

The Thing in the Rain by Jeremy Rozen
Dozens of wicked teardrops struck his face and he wiped a controlled, gloved hand across his cheek, smearing off the invading moisture. Spots of dampness remained, but that was fine he told himself. That was fine.

Where Dreams are Grown by Suzanne van Rooyen
As dusk draws shady curtains around the island, Old Man Somni gathers the largest blossoms, cradling them in his withered arms. Their fragrance is enchanting and he cannot help but smile, though his parched lips crack and bleed.


Crimson-Hooded by Sandi Leibowitz
Seeds by Julia Rios
“The Second Law of Thermodynamics” by Sara Cleto and Brittany Warman
Phersu by Sonya Taaffe
the moon is on fire by Dan Campbell

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