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Walk in NYC # 3, from Brooklyn to Chinatown and Little Italy

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This self-guided tour is the third of my four favorites for introducing New York to new visitors.

It will help you discover four other key districts of the city and cross its most famous bridge on foot. You will also have superb views of the skyscrapers of Lower Manhattan and if you like pizza, Asian food and inexpensive pastries, it will be sure to satisfy you.

It is about 4 miles and it will take you a good part of the day to see everything and stop to eat along your way.

At the exit of the Brooklyn Bridge, you will also be at the start of Walk in NYC # 3.

It makes a loop in Lower Manhattan so you could take it (several hours of visit because there is a lot to see) and then find the second part of this walk to go to Chinatown and Little Italy

NB: if you have not already done so on another site, you can read the philosophy and general content of this itinerary by opening the “About the walks” link above or below.

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