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Inspirational 27

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Welcome to the 27th issue of the arts magazine Inspirational. And a bumper, wide-spread issue it is. Artists from Iran, Russia, the US and UK, references as far flung as migration, romance, god, postage stamps, and drama. In this issue inspirational has three in depth interviews with three contemporary artists: John Waiblinger, Roxanne Lasky, and Hector de Gregorio. In its regular portfolio section we feature two artists work: Maryam Iravani and Ilya Semenenko-Basin. We also have a written feature for this issue: Contrast, Drama and Climax written by Mark Sheeky. More details of everything available in this issue is given below:

interview: John Waiblinger The artist conveys his own ideas and ideals onto the framework of the perfect male figure. His work is romantic and natural, aspiring and nostalgic. He deals in imagery that shifts away from the male as alpha, as aggressor and dominator, to a more sublime picture of man as nature, natural, and supporter.

portfolio: Maryam Iravani This Iranian artist’s work expresses the larger more infinite world, the world of God as creator, benefactor and influencer. Her works are mystical and spiritual, but are also rooted in the everyday life of Iran.

interview: Roxanne Lasky Journeys, migration, tidal shifts and memory are all part of the work of this thoughtful, unique and observant artist. Working in textiles gives the artist an appreciation and affinity with the meditative quality of hand production, so often missing in our contemporary world.

feature: Contrast, Drama and Climax Regular feature artist Mark Sheeky gives us a fascinating look into the building blocks that make for successful construction of music, drama and film through contrast, drama and climax.

interview: Hector de Gregorio Theatre, costume, symbolism and allegory, this is an artist that is steeped in the traditions of classical European painting, whilst at the same time reflecting the contemporary world that he lives in. His portraits are beautifully observed and fascinatingly detailed.

portfolio: Ilya Semenenko-Basin A Russian collage artist that uses purely postage stamps as both raw material and end product. His work is fascinating and innovative, with stamps being cut, arranged and re-arranged as abstract and geometric compositions.


John Hopper - Inspirational editor
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